Information and Communication Access
Stimulate grassroots development by facilitating access to information, learning resources and communication technologies in Mbale and support improved social services through information. Through this program, grassroots communities together with development partners will combine efforts in learning and promoting the use of ICT systems.
• Provide learning opportunities to grassroots beneficiaries, researchers, planners, policy analysts and private entrepreneurs.
• Develop content with links to websites with information on community development, public health, ecotourism and sustainable livelihoods to be delivered through computer trainings and outreach.
• Provide a medium of communication; information delivery for community and rural economic growth within and beyond the select communities served and facilitate rural development.
• Provide a medium of information delivery for the community and also catalyze rural economic growth within and beyond the communities served facilitating the work of rural development through CBOs, NGOs, Government Departments, service institutions, and private commerce.
• Use an innovative approach of linking computer and internet knowledge to enhance information, networking, and communication thereby demonstrating their cost effectiveness as media for distributing knowledge to marginalized groups.
• Encourage partnership in learning and in building capacity in Mbale’s communities through exploring a multi stakeholder, integrated technology approach where communities together with partners combine to promote the use and application of integrated ICT systems.