Message from the Founder- Samuel W. Watulatsu
Dear online visitor!
I find it very true that with any organisation, whether in business, civil service, non-governmental or other, once a certain size and growth potential is achieved, changes become necessary to allow for more defined structure and set processes as compared to when it was small having completed a thorough long range Organizational Development Assessment.
I am happy to share exciting developments in the continuing evolution of FDNC. I am fully satisfied to have devoted myself as a risk taker to promote the productivity, innovativeness and self-reliance of disadvantaged people living in underserved communities.
Despite working in a difficult environment that is full envy, intrigue and cultural corruption, where some of our programs’ beneficiary persons open uncalled for conflicts to tear FDNC apart, pulling us down due to perceptions and high expectations, there are a million accomplishments and things that we continue to celebrate, thanks to divine mercies.
Our actions have continued to make a legacy that inspires many people to dream, learn, do and become more because we have continually provided a platform to use our exposure opportunities to show the people how to fish.
THE FDNC 15 COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION MODEL is so practical that the impact of our enduring efforts is being felt everywhere as pioneers of Social reforms here.
We are pursuing greater heights and creating a multiplier effect in collaboration with other actors to access opportunities to reach more remote communities.
I am forever grateful to a number of development partners, volunteers, well-wishers and visitors all who have contributed generously to the success of the programmes through on-going communication, advice, campaigns, special events planning and support.
Our focussed staff together with the Board and volunteers have developed a five-year strategic plan (2014- 2018) for sustainability and now seeking for strategic partnership.
The inspirational words of my then University Vice Chancellor – Professor John Sebuwufu quoting an anonymous social entrepreneur on my graduation day on Friday 20th January 1995 still resonates in my mind.
“In this world, many people are imitators, few are innovators, therefore whenever you are, never fear to pioneer”.
The then presiding Chancellor and President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni in his speech …………… encouraged graduates to apply their passion, intellect and learned skills to a nation in desperate need of jobs and an education system that should train people more effectively with the skills necessary to create jobs.
I strongly testify to this advice now and therefore utilise this site to say that our community and wider nation will benefit only if brains behind these well-intentioned and uniquely creative initiatives such as Foundation for Development of Needy Communities (FDNC) are accorded an enabling and supportive environment with respect by all stakeholders.
Samuel W. Watulatsu,
BA. Hons. Social Sciences, M.A Organisational Leadership and Management, PHD.